Can't wait for this year's Mezipatra? Save some money and buy a festival pass in advance! You can see any seven screenings for the price of five tickets. You can buy the pass in Prague for CZK 540 from October 4 to October 18 in cinemas Lucerna and Světozor, Kino Pilotů, Kino 35 and in Brno for CZK 540 from October 6 till the end of the festival in the Scala cinema and new festival venue ArtBar Druhý Pád. You can purchase the pass in the cinemas or online (in that case, come exchange the online confirmation for the official pass at the cinema).

In cooperation with Be2Can we present the French film 120 BPM. This year's third evening of the Mezipatra Approved series takes place in the big screening hall of Lucerna cinema on October 5 at 20:00.

The new community café Patra opened on August 8, 2017. It will offer not only pleasant service, excellent coffee, a selection of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks and vegetarian refreshments, but also cultural events, screenings, exhibitions, and lectures. The multi-purpose function-room above the café will give you a chance to regularly meet the festival team and numerous other interesting personalities.

Are all lesbians on film dangerous and bloodthirsty? What is the difference between bisexuality and pansexuality? How heated is the discussion on LGBTQ+ in Africa, actually? All of your questions will be answered as part of a discussion series brought to you by Mezipatra during the Prague Pride. Each discussion starts at 7:00 pm and is in Czech only. Followed by English friendly screenings, starting 8:30 pm every day from August 8–11. You can find us in the Kampus Hybernská space at Hybernská 4, and naturally on Grindr or Tinder as well. Free admission to all events.
You can also join the Facebook event!

The preparations for this year's Mezipatra are in full swing. We are refining the film program, luring interesting guests, and planning unforgettable parties. In the meantime, you should grab your diaries and note this year's dates:

Prague: November  9 , 2017
Brno: November 10 – 17, 2017

The 17th edition of Mezipatra festival featured a total of 64 queer themed films. The Prague part of the festival was attended by 7.000 visitors and guests from eight different countries. What movies scored as the best? The Main Jury Award went to The Ornithologist by Portuguese director João Pedro Rodrigues, the prize for the best short film had been awarded to Norwegian Thanks for Dancing.  Based on the votes of the audience, the number one movie was Conor Gorgan's documentary TheQueen of Ireland.

FlightNetwork, one of Canada’s largest online travel websites, has compiled the ultimate list of 27 European film festivals worthy of your time and admiration. We are so happy to announce that Mezipatra QFF was among them! It describes us as one of the most daring and progressively minded events in Europe. What a great news! We are honored to be next to all the reputable festivals such as Belgian Oostende or The Norwegian Short Film Festival. You can find the full list on FlightNetwork


The new “place to be” for not only Mezipatra fans will open during the summer in Vršovice, Prague. The Patra community café will offer not only pleasant service, excellent coffee, a selection of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks and vegetarian refreshments, but also cultural events, screenings, exhibitions, and lectures. The multi-purpose function-room above the café will give you a chance to regularly meet the festival team and numerous other interesting personalities.

Submit your film to the 18th edition of Mezipatra Queer Film Festival which takes place in November 2017 in Prague and Brno, Czech Republic. Cinematic works of any length and genre created after January 1, 2016, and meeting the criteria mentioned in the Rules and Regulations section, can be submitted by June 15, 2017.

První letošní Approved uvádíme ve spolupráci s Aerofilms. Americký hit Moonlight, který letos zabodoval i na Zlatých glóbech, tak můžete vidět v pražské předpremiéře!

Nadčasový příběh dospívání a hledání sebe sama je zasazený do drsných kulis okrajových čtvrtí Miami. Mladý Chiron bojuje o svoje místo v prostředí, ve kterém často rozhoduje právo silnějšího, zatímco jeho vnitřní svět se plní láskou, bolestí i touhou. Moonlight zachycuje univerzální témata přátelství a sexuální identity ve třech různých životních etapách od dětství až po dospělost. Je zároveň portrétem mladého člověka, současných amerických předměstí i nepostřehnutelných sil, které formují lidské životy.

Ve svém druhém celovečerním filmu se režisér Barry Jenkins pouští do důsledné studie afro­‑americké maskulinity a vypráví silný příběh o hledání a vymezování vlastní identity. Do role Chirona obsadil vycházející hvězdu Ashtona Sanderse, ve vedlejších rolích můžete vidět Mahershalu Aliho (seriály Výjimeční, Dům z karet) nebo zpěvačku Janelle Monáe.

Pátek 27. 1., pražské kino Světozor

Vstupné 130 Kč

Vstupenky v předprodeji na nebo na místě.

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