Jasbir Puar on Sex and Disability in the Israeli Occupation of Palestine
Americká queer teoretička Jasbir Puar
This paper will survey recent debates on what has been termed "pinkwashing": the use of gay rights by the Israeli government to deflect attention from its occupation of Palestine. Instead of reproducing a queer exceptionalism that singles out sexuality as a particular facet of state control, a tendency that has engendered articulations of queer solidarity for Palestine and troubling conceptualizations of "Queer Palestine," I argue that the practice of pinkwashing should be situated within a broader biopolitics of state control that makes available for control a range of bodies and bodily habits. I focus specifically on the use of disability as part of a biopolitical assemblage of control that instrumentalizes a range of capacities and debilities for the use of the Israeli occupation of Palestine.
Přednáška je vedena pouze v angličtině.
Langhans galerie, Praha
12. 11. 2012, 16.30
Vstup: zdarma