After the Opening Ceremony under the direction of Ú , we'll get an insight into the difficult life of a teenager Leo.
He not only has to constantly defend his taste in music devoted exclusively to classical music, he also doesn't want to be treated like a kid just because he is different ... just because he is blind. Finally, Leo's new classmate Gabriel grants Leo some fresh approach when he invites himto the movies or asks him to dance.
So here's the deal: first we will enjoy some music from the unique multi-genre band, then we'll see what troubles may a life of a blind person entail, and finally we will socialize at the launch party in the rhythm of DJ Liquida A sets until the morning. Come help us open this year'sBrno Mezipatra and begin a week packed with not only queer culture.
Don't forget that at this year's Mezipatra you will have a unique opportunity to get Leo's experience. On Saturday, Nov. 21, we'll offer you a special screening for (not only) blind viewers. You don't want to miss this one!
Brazil / 2014
96 min / DCP / HD
Subtitles: English, Czech
Directors: Daniel Ribeiro
Writers: Daniel Ribeiro
Cast: Ghilherme Lobo, Fabio Audi, Tess Amorim
Brno: Nov. 15, 2014 / 8 p.m. / Scala
(In His Eyes within the Opening Ceremony)
Brno: Nov. 21, 2014 / 6 p.m. / Art (screening with Czech audiodescription for visually impaired viewers)